Prophecies of Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh), in the Torah

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Prophecies of Allah's Messenger, Muhammad (pbuh), in the Torah


1.Allah Almighty said to Moses (pbuh), "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him." [Deuteronomy 18: 18]


This is one of the definitive verses of the Jews that show that this Prophet who will come at the end of time will not be from the children of Israel, but rather from the brethren of the children of Israel: the children of Ishmael (Ismail). 

     The brethren of the children of Israel are either the Arabs or the Romans.

     The Arabs are the children of Ishmael (peace be upon him), and Ishmael (pbuh) is the brother of Isaac (Is-haq), peace be upon him, the father of Jacob (Ya`coub), peace be upon him, who is also known as Israel.

     The Romans are the children of al-`Eis, and only one prophet has ever come from the Romans: Job (Ayyoub), peace be upon him, who came before Allah's Prophet, Moses (pbuh), so it is not correct to say that he is the one foretold in the Torah.

     Therefore, the prophet foretold in the Torah must have been from the Arabs, the children of Ishmael, since he is the only one remaining and they are the brethren of the children of Israel.

     If the awaited prophet was to have been from the children of Israel, it would have been possible for Allah to say to them, "I will raise them up a Prophet from among you." Rather, He (Mighty & Majestic) said, "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren."

     Should someone claim that the awaited prophet was Joshua (Yeshu`a ibn Noon), the reply would be that:

     Allah Almighty said to Moses, "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee…"

     It is common knowledge that Joshua was one of the prophets of the Israelites, but the awaited prophet is from the brethren of the children of Israel, not from them.

     As we have indicated, if the awaited prophet was from the children of Israel, it would have been possible for Allah to say to them, "I will raise them up a Prophet from among you." That is because the twelve tribes of Israel were present at the time of Moses (pbuh), and therefore, the meaning of "their brethren" is the children of Ishmael (pbuh), and this is what the straightforward, honest mind accepts.

     It is stated clearly in the Torah that Isaac (pbuh) and his sons, the children of Israel, are the brethren of Ishmael (pbuh), as in the Book of Genesis 16: 12, "…and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren."

     This confirms the saying of Allah Almighty to Moses, "like unto thee.."

     It is known that there will not be another prophet like Moses (pbuh) to come from the children of Israel, since this is stated in the Torah. In other words, another prophet like Moses (pbuh) will come, but he will not be from the children of Israel, and since Joshua is from the children of Israel, he is not the awaited prophet.

     This is also the case of Jesus (pbuh); he is not like Moses (pbuh) because Moses (pbuh) came with a new law, but Jesus (pbuh) did not come with a new law, as it is said in the Gospel of Matthew 5: 17, "I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill."

     It is also because Allah Almighty created Jesus (pbuh) without a father; so he is not like Moses (pbuh).

     Therefore, he is not the prophet foretold in the Torah.

     The resemblance between the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Moses (pbuh), on the other hand, is remarkable, since:


1. Both of them came with a new law.


2.Both the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Moses (pbuh) left their homelands to get away from their enemies. Muhammad (pbuh) immigrated to Medina, and Moses (pbuh) immigrated to Madian.


3.There is a resemblance between the names of both of the cities that Allah's Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Moses (pbuh) fled to: Medina and Madian are remarkable similar in name.


4. Both the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Moses (pbuh) fought their enemies and were granted victory by Allah (Mighty & Majestic).


5.Allah (Mighty & Majestic) gave the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the authority to judge between people by the Book of Allah (Mighty & Majestic)—the Holy Quran—just as Allah (Mighty & Majestic) gave Moses (pbuh) the authority to judge between the people by His Wisdom (Noble & Sublime).


That is why the rabbis (the scholars among the Jews) knew well that this awaited prophet, who would appear toward the end of time, would be from the descendents of Ishmael (pbuh)—the Arabs.

     Thus we are not surprised by the presence of Jews in Medina or by the fact that they moved there and were living right next door to the Arabs, since they knew of this awaited prophet who would be sent before the end of time, and the place he was expected to emerge, as referenced in their books: "He shone forth from Mount Paran," as we will explain by the Will of Allah Almighty.

     This is the secret behind the inhabitants of Medina accepting Islam before the migration of the Prophet (pbuh) there, from all they had heard from the Jews of Medina about the expected emergence of this awaited prophet.

     Among the Jews were those who knew about the arrival of the awaited prophet, but they thought he would be sent from among the children of Israel, so when this awaited prophet was sent from the Arabs, and the people of Medina, who had been enemies of the Jews, followed him, the rage and malice of the Jews increased tremendously because this awaited prophet had emerged from the Arabs and not from them. So the people of Medina preceded the Jews in believing in him (pbuh) after they had been the ones taunting them and claiming they would be victorious over the people of Medina when the prophet came, they followed him, and they fought by his side.

     Salman al-Farisi (may Allah be pleased with him) was one of those who came to the Arab lands to await the coming of the Prophet (pbuh) since he knew where this awaited prophet would come from. He left his livelihood in the Persian and Roman empires for that reason—to follow the truth after searching so long for it.

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