He is the Bestower:

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

Glory be to Him, a Magnificent Creator and a Generous Bestower!
Generosity and bounty are among His greatest attributes, and His giving never ceases. Could there ever be someone who is more bountiful than He is?!

His servants disobey Him but He watches over them, and He still preserves and takes care of them as they move and sleep as if they did not commit sins. He bestows His favors even upon sinners and wrongdoers.

Who supplicated Him and did not receive an answer? Who asked from Him and was not granted his request? Who stood at His door and got rejected?

Glory be to the One Who fulfills wishes lying within the heart yet not uttered by the tongue!

Glory be to Him! He guarantees the provision for all the worlds.

In fact, the favors of Allah Almighty are successively bestowed upon us since we were mere drops of sperm inside our mothers’ wombs. Then, He gave us the hearing and eyesight and breathed life into us. Then, He gave us food and drink and endowed us with homes, provisions, and everything we need.

Allah Almighty says to His servant:

{Have We not made for him two eyes?And a tongue and two lips? And have shown him the two ways?}

[Surat al-Balad: 8-10]

{O people, itis you who stand in need of Allah; as for Allah, He is the Self-Sufficient, the Praiseworthy.}

[Surat Fātir: 15]

He created you and provides for you. He gave you life and causes you to die. He bestows His favors upon you. He causes you to get sick and cures you. He causes you to get hungry and satisfies your hunger. He causes you to become thirsty and quenches your thirst. He makes you laugh and cry. He teaches you what you do not know and informs you about what you are ignorant of. He prepares your

answers your supplication, responds to your call, vanquishes your enemies, sends messengers to you, teaches you His book, and guides you to His path; and after all that, you disobey Him!

{Cursed is man; How ungrateful he is!}

[Surat ‘Abasa: 17]

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