32) How could you be happy ?
32) How could you be happy ? (16 : 97) Whoever works righteousness- whether male or female –
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31) What is the destination of the believers ?
31) What is the destination of the believers ? (4 : 57) But those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah
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30) What is the destination of the disbelievers ?
30) What is the destination of the disbelievers ? (57 : 15) So this Day no ransom shall be taken
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29) Whosoever puts his trust in Allah , what will happen to him ?
29) Whosoever puts his trust in Allah , what will happen to him ? (65 : 3) And He will provide him
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28) How could you save yourself from a painful torment ?
28) How could you save yourself from a painful torment ? (61 : 10 – 11) 10 : O you who
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27) How could you guarantee the blessings of Allah ?
27) How could you guarantee the blessings of Allah ? (14 : 7 ) And (remember) when your Lord
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26) Whatever of blessings and good things you have , is it from Allah ?
26) Whatever of blessings and good things you have , is it from Allah ? (16 : 53) And whatever of
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25) What is the life of this world ?
25) What is the life of this world ? (57 : 20) Know that the life of this world is only play and
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24) How could you be secure ?
24) How could you be secure ? (6 : 82) It is those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah and worship
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