Ar-Raqīb (The Ever-Watchful)

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

Ibn al-Jawzi (may Allah have mercy upon him) said:“If one reforms his inner self, the fragrance of his benevolence will exude, and people’s hearts will smell his good scent. How important our inner selves are! When an inner self is corrupt, the good outside will be of no avail.”Abu Hafs al-Naysābūri (may Allah have mercy upon him) said:“If you sit to address a gathering of people, be a preacher of your own heart and self and do not get deceived by their gathering around you. They watch your outside, while Allah watches over your inside.”One of the highest ranks of the believers in the sight of Allah is the constant feeling that He always watches over us. Praising His sublime essence, Allah Almighty says:

{...For Allah is ever Watchful over you.}

[Surat an-Nisā’: 1]

“If one reforms his inner self, the fragrance of his benevolence will exude, and people’s hearts will smell his good scent. How important our inner selves are! When an inner self is corrupt, the good outside will be of no avail.”

Abu Hafs al-Naysābūri (may Allah have mercy upon him) said: “If you sit to address a gathering of people, be a preacher of your own heart and self and do not get deceived by their gathering around you. They watch your outside, while Allah watches over your i nside.”

One of the highest ranks of the believers in the sight of Allah is the constant feeling that He always watches over us. Praising His sublime essence, Allah Almighty says:

{...For Allah is ever Watchful over you.}

[Surat an - Nisā’: 1]

Our Lord watches over our innermost thoughts and feelings, and He is the Preserver from Whose knowledge nothing escapes.

He is the All-Knowing of what lies within our inner selves and consciences and watches over our glances and will hold every person accoun table for what he or she does.

Our Lord is Ever-Watchful and He records the deeds of His servants.

He is Ever-Watchful and Preserving. He preserves His creation and directs its affairs in the best and most perfect manner.

Indeed, He is Ever-Watchful over our thoughts and glances; then what about our deeds and movements?!

{...Nothing is hidden from your Lord, not even an atom’s weight on earth nor in heaven, nor anything smaller or greater than that, except that it is [written] in a clear Record.}

[Surat Yūnu s: 61]

He is All-Knowing of the conditions and fluctuations of His servants day and night, and all their affairs, open and secret.

[Surat Yūnus: 61]

He is All-Knowing of the conditions and fluctuations of His servants day and night, and all their affairs, open and secret.

The Ever-Watchful Lord hears, sees, and knows everything, even our innermost thoughts before we utter or write them down.

His absolute knowledge encompasses all that exists and His absolute awareness encompasses all created beings. Nothing escapes His knowledge or awareness. All secrets and hidden things are not hidden from the Ever-Watchful. Indeed, to Him, secrets and open things are all the same.

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