The path is from here!

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

How can I rely upon Allah Almighty in my life?

First: You should know His Beautiful Names and Attributes. The more Allah is revered and extolled within your heart, the closer you get to Him.

Second: Trust Him and think positively of Him.

“I am as My s ervant thinks of Me.”

[Narrated by Ibn Mājah] [Sahīh (Authentic)]

This person who spends in charity does so only because he trusts Allah Almighty and knows that He will give him better compensation. Likewise, he who gets out of bed and stands before Allah in prayer does so only because he thinks positively of his Lord. The same holds true for those who perform Hajj, ‘Umrah, and other acts of worship and piety.Third: Renounce your own power and admit your weakness before your Lord. Show your need to Him and supplicate Him to not leave you to your own devices or to any of His servants. An authentic Hadīth contains this supplication:

“Allāhumma rahmataka arju fa la takilni ilanafsu tarfata ‘ayn (O Allah, I hope for Your mercy. So, do not leave me to my own devices even for the blink of an eye!”

[Narrated by Ahmad] [Sahīh (Authentic)]

“I am as My servant thinks of Me.”

[Narrated by Ibn Mājah] [Sahīh (Authentic)]

This person who spends in charity does so only because he trusts Allah Almighty and knows that He will give him better compensation. Likewise, he who gets out of bed and stands before Allah in prayer does so only because he thinks positively of his Lord. The same holds true for those who perform Hajj, ‘Umrah, and other acts of worship and piety.

Third: Renounce your own power and admit your weakness before your Lord. Show your need to Him and supplicate Him to not leave you to your own devices or to any of His servants. An authentic Hadīth contains this supplication:

“Allāhumma rahmataka arju fa la takilni ila nafsu tarfata ‘ayn (O Allah, I hope for Your mercy. So, do not leave me to my own devices even for the blink of an eye!”

[Narrated by Ahmad] [Sah īh (Authentic)]

Fourth: Pursue the means to fulfill your needs, which include supplication to Allah.

Fifth: Remember the power of Allah and His ability to transform conditions and that in His Hand is the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and He is Able to do all things. Always remember that treasures of everything lie in the Hand of Allah. So, you can only en trust your affairs to Him as a weak and help lesschild who depends upon his father -and for Allah is the highest attribute!

{And I entrust my affair to Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Seeing of [His] servants.}

[Surat Ghāfir: 44]

Sixth: Be content with what Allah has decreed for you and know that it is in your best interest. If you do not show contentment, then you are as what Bishr al-Hāfi said: “Someonesays, ‘I rely upon Allah’ while he tells a lie against Allah, for if he truly relied upon Him, he would be content with whatever Allah did to him.”

{And I entrust my affair to Allah. Indeed, Allah is All - Seeing of [His] servants.}

[Surat Ghāfir: 44]

Sixth: Be content with what Allah has decreed for you and know that it is in your best interest. If you do not show contentment, then you are as what Bishr al-Hāfi said:

“Someone says, ‘I rely upon Allah’ while he tells a lie against Allah, for if he truly relied upon Him, he would be content with whatever Allah did to him.”

Ibn Hamdūn related that a strong wind blew and destroyed the plants of an old woman in the desert. Thereupon, she got her head out of the tent, looked at the burnt plants, raised her head to wards the sky, and said, “Do whatever You want, for my sustenance is upon You!”

If a person properly relies upon the Ever- Living Lord Who does not die, Allah will reform, complete, and perfect all his affairs.

{And rely upon the Ever-Living Who does not die, and exalt [Allah] with His praise. And sufficient is He with the sins of His servants, All - Aware.}

[Surat al - Furqān: 58

{And rely upon the Ever - Living Who does not die, and exalt [Allah] with His praise. And sufficient is He with the sins of His servants , All - Aware.}

[Surat al - Furqān: 58]

O Allah, the Disposer of affairs, do not leave us to our own devices, even for the blink of an eye, strengthen us for we are weak and powerless, and console us; indeed, You are Able to do all things!

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