Consider the consequences!

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

Allah, the Just Lord, inflicts retribution upon the wrongful on behalf of the wronged and upon the master on behalf of the slave, and the same holds true for animals as well. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“All creatures will be gathered on the Day of Judgment -animals, birds, and everything -and Allah’s justice will reach such an extent that He will take the right of the hornless animals from the horned ones.”

[Narrated by Al- Hākim in Al - Mustadrak; Sahīh (authentic)]

Another wording reads:

“And even the right of an atom from another atom.”

[Narrated by Ahmad; Sahīh (authentic)]

“All creatures will be gathered on the Day of Judgment -animals, birds, and everything - and Allah’s justice will reach such an extent that He will take the right of the hornless animals from the horned ones. ”

[Narrated by Al - Hākim in Al - Mustadrak; Sahīh (authentic)]

Another wording reads:

“And even the right of an atom from another atom.”

[Narrated by Ahmad; Sahīh (authentic)]

If you know that you will meet your Lord, the Recompenser, on the Day of Judgment; that Allah does not wrong anyone even for the weight of an atom; that the relationship among people is based upon competition while it is based on tolerance between Allah and His servants; and that the reckoning will be conducted on the basis of good and bad deeds, then how could you give away your good deeds and take from the bad deeds of others, despite your knowledge that you will surely be held accountable?!

So, be smart and hold yourself accountable before you are brought to account. As the saying goes: “A wise person would hold himself accountable and prepare for what comes after death; and a helpless person would follow his vain desires and then engage in wishful thinking about Allah.”

The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) asked his Companions (may Allah be pleased with them): “Do you know who the bankrupt is?” They said:

“The bankrupt among us is the one who has neither money nor property.” Thereupon, he said:“The bankrupt in my Ummah is the one who will come on the Day of Judgment with prayer, fasting, and Zakah, but since he hurled abuse at others, accused others of committing adultery without evidence, unlawfully consumed the wealth of others, shed the blood of others, and beat others, his good deeds will be credited to the accounts of others, and if his good deeds fall short to clear his account, others’ sins will be cast on him and he will be thrown in Hellfire.”

[Narrated by Muslim]

‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb (may Allah be pleased with him) said:“Hold yourselves account able before you are brought to account and weigh your deeds before they are weighed on your behalf. Indeed, the reckoning tomorrow will be easier for you if you hold yourselves accountable today, and be prepared for the great gathering.”

{On that day, you w ill be brought forth [before Allah], and none of your secrets will remain hidden.}

[Surat al - Hāqqah: 18]

“The bankrupt in my Ummah is the one who will come on the Day of Judgment with prayer, fasting, and Zakah, but since h e hurled abuse at others, accused others of commit ting adultery without evidence, unlawfully consumed the wealth of others, shed the blood of others, and beat others, his good deeds will be credited to the accounts of others, and if his good deeds fall short to clear his account, others’ s ins will be cast on him and he will be thrown in Hellfire.”

[Narrated by Muslim]

‘Umar ibn al-Khattāb (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

“Hold yourselves accountable before you are brought to account and weigh your deeds before they are weighed on your behalf.

Indeed, the reckoning tomorrow will be easier for you if you hold yourselves accountable today, and be prepared for the great  gathering.”

{On that day, you will be brought forth [before Allah], and none of your secrets will remain hidden.}

[Surat a l - Hāqqah: 18]

Remember when you will come to Allah alone, as the scales of judgment will be in place, and the veils will be lifted and all sins will be exposed.

Remember also the statement of Abu al -Dardā’ (may Allah be pleased with him): “Righteousness does not go to waste, sins are not forgotten, the Recompenser does not sleep. So, be as you wish to be; you will reap what you sow.”

If you suffer injustice and oppression, rejoice and derive hope and comfort from Allah’s name “Ad-Dayyān”.

By Allah, oppression has evil consequences, and oppressors are those who do wrong.

To the Recompenser we shall return, and there all disputes will be settled.

O Allah, the Recompenser, we implore You to bestow Your forgiveness and mercy upon us the Day we will be resurrected and gathered for reckoning.

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