Who could ever be more generous and bountiful than our Lord?

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

His servants disobey Him, and yet He cares for them as they sleep in their beds as if they did not show disobedience to Him. He preserves them as if they committed no sin. He treats sinners with bounty and gives them respite and shows mercy to those who repent to Him.

He is the Self-Sufficient beyond any need for His servants. Nonetheless, He shows love towards them through His favors, bounty, and respite.

The treasuries of Allah Almighty are full. His spending does not decrease them at all. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) is authentically reported to have said:

“Allah’s Hand is full and this is not affected by the continuous spending day and night. Do you see what He has spent since He created the heavens and the earth? Yet all t hat has not decreased what is in His Hand.”

[Narrated by Al - Bu khāri - this is his wording - and Muslim]

He loves those of His servants who ask from Him and pin their hopes upon Him, so that He will give them even more of His bounty and favors. He is so Bountiful that He even gets angry at those who do not as k from Him. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Whoever does not ask from Allah incurs His wrath.”

[Narrated by Al - Tirmidhi; Hasan (sound)]

In another Hadīth, the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Nothing is more honorable in the sight of Allah than supplication.”

[Narrated by Al - Tirmidhi; Hasan (sound)]

“Whoever does not ask from Allah incurs His wrath.”

[Narrated by Al - Tirmidhi; Hasan (sound)]

In another Hadīth, the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Nothing is more honorable in the sight of Allah than supplication.”

[Narrated by Al - Tirmidhi; Hasan (sound)]

He is the Bountiful Whose bounty and favors encompass the entire universe.

He is the Bountiful Who does not turn down a supplicant, even if he was a disbeliever.

The believer who trusts his Lord is bountiful and aspires to Allah’s bounty and generosity. He knows that Allah, the Bountiful, will bestow upon him many times more from His bounty, blessings, and benevolence.

{Who is there to lend Allah a goodly loan, so He will multiply it for him, and for him there will be a generous reward?}

[Surat al - Hadīd: 11]

{This is the promise of Allah. Allah never breaks His promise...}

[Surat ar-Rūm: 6]

So, he gives and spends in order to draw close to his Lord.

{Who is there to lend Allah a goodly loan, so He will multiply it for him, and for him there will be a generous reward?}

[Surat al - Hadīd: 11]

{This is the promise of Allah. Allah never breaks His promise...}

[Suratar - Rūm: 6 ]

So, he gives and spends in order to draw close to his Lord.

Our Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was the most generous and bountiful among all people. His generosity was like fast winds, and he was even more generous during Ramadān.

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was never asked for something except that he would give it. A man once went to him and he gave him a herd of sheep that filled the space between two mountains. So, the man returned to his people and said

: “O people, embrace Islam for indeed Muhammad gives so generously that he does not seem to fear poverty.”

[Narrated by Muslim]

He was never asked for something and he said: No! When anyone went to ask from him, he would find him smiling as if he was to be given something, rather than be asked to give.

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