The keys of giving

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

Our Lord is Generous and Giving and He loves those who give generously. That is why generous givers occupy such high status among people. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“Hands are of three types: Allah’s Hand is t he upper one; the hand of the giver is next to it; and t he beggar’s hand is the lowest. So, give what is surplus, and do not submit yourself to the demand of your soul.”[Narrated by Abu Dāwūd; Sahīh (authentic)]

Generous people will be greatly rewarded by the King of all kings.

{...And spend [in Allah’s cause] out of what He has entrusted you with. For those among you who believe and spend, there will be a great reward.}

[Surat al - Hadīd: 7]

Allah Almighty promised His Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings beupon him) to give him until he becomes satisfied:

{And y our Lord will certainly give you so much that you will be well pleased.}

[Surat ad - Duha: 5]

Among the things Allah Almighty will give His Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) in the Her eafter is the Kawthar River:

{We have surely given you [O Prophet] the Kawthar.}

[Surat al - Kawthar: 1]

About the Kawthar, the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“It is a river which my Lord has promised me. It has abundance of good and upon it there is a basin to which my Ummah will come on the Day of Judgment. Its vessels are as numerous as the stars.”

[Narrated by Muslim]

“Hands are of three types: Allah’s Hand is the upper one; the hand of the giver is next to it; and the beggar’s han d is the lowest. So, give what is surplus, and do not su bmit yourself to the demand of your soul.”

[Narrated by Abu Dāwūd; Sahīh (authentic)]

Generous people will be greatly rewarded by the King of all kings.

{...And spend [in Allah’s cause ] out of what He has entrusted you with. For those among you who believe and spend, there will be a great reward.}

[Surat al - Hadīd: 7]

Allah Almighty promised His Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) to give him until he becomes satisfied:

{And your Lord will certainly give you so much that you will be well pl eased.}

[Surat ad - Duha: 5]

Among the things Allah Almighty will give His Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) in the Hereafter is the Kawthar River:

{We have surely given you [O Prophet] the Kawthar.}

[Surat al-Kawthar: 1]

About the Kawthar, the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“It is a river which my Lord has promised me. It has abundance of good and upon it there is a basin to which my Ummah will come on the Day of Judgment. Its vessels are as numerous as the stars.”

[Narrated by Muslim]

As Allah Almighty looks at you and sees that you rely upon Him and consider Him to be your refuge, presenting all your needs to Him alone, He will give you better than what you ask for and honor you beyond what you wish.

Glory be to the One Who grants wishes lying within the heart yet not uttered by the tongue!

Glory be to Him! He guarantees the provision for all the worlds and nothing escapes His knowledge.

O Allah, bestow Your favors upon us and give us generously and do not deprive us and turn us down empty-handed, O Lord of the worlds!

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