​ Ihsān (perfection/benevolence) is of two kinds

Abdullah ibn Mushabbib al-Qahtāni

1. Ihsān in worshiping Allah Almighty:

This is the highest and most sublime position as mentioned in the well-known long Hadīth involving Jibrīl (Gabriel), where the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) interpreted Ihsān as follows:

“It is to worship Allah as if you could see Him; if you d o not see Him, He sees you.”

[Narrated by Al - Bukhāri and Muslim]

2. Ihsān towards the servants of Allah Almighty:

This is to bring to them all kinds of goodness and refrain from harming them. Allah Almighty says:

{...Allah does not allow the reward of those who do good to go to waste.}

[Surat at - Tawbah: 120]

Our Lord, Exalted be He, loves His names and loves that His servants draw close to Him by actions entailed by the meanings of His names. He is Merciful and loves those who are merciful, Generous and loves those who are generous, and Benevolent and loves those who act benevolently. In the Qur’an, He says:

{...For Allah loves those who do good.}

[Surat al - Baqarah: 1 95]

The most entitled to one’s benevolence and kindness are his parents, as Allah Almighty says:

{We have enjoined upon man kindness to his parents...}

[Surat al - Ahqāf: 15]

He also says:

{...And do good as Allah has done good to you...}

[Surat al-Qasas: 77]

{... Allah does not allow the reward of those who do good to go to waste.}

[Surat at - Tawbah: 120]

Our Lord, Exalted be He, loves His names and loves that His servants draw close to Him by actions entailed by the meanings of His names. He is Merciful and loves those who are merciful, Generous and loves those who are generous, and Benevolent and loves those who act benevolently. In the Qur’an, He says:

{...For Allah loves those who do good.}

[Surat al - Baqarah: 195]

The most entitled to one’s benevolence and kindness are his parents, as Allah Almighty says:

{We have enjoined upon man kindness to his parents...}

[Surat al - Ahqāf: 15]

He also says:

{...And do good as Allah has done good to you...}

[Surat al - Qasas: 77]

To You, Lord of the Throne,I complain.

And I supplicate You during hardships.

My Lord, fulfill our wishes and be Merciful to us and answer our supplications.

O You Who always show benevolence, O You Who always show forgiveness, we seek refuge in You, our Lord, from our evil actions.

We hope for Your forgiveness and pardon.

Help us, help us, and remove our hardships and save us from trouble and harm.

Bestow Your bounty, benevolence, forgiveness, and pardon.

Indeed, You are worthy of doing that.

O Allah, make us among the benevolent and show benevolence to us and accept from us, from our parents, and from all Muslims.

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