A Message To Humanity: Covid19
Dear brothers and sisters in humanity, This letter is sent from Muslim scholars, educators, preachers and thinkers
09/06/2020 3281 -
Knowing God in the Time of corona
There is no refuge from God except to Him! he Qur’anic verse "There is no refuge from God except to Him"
19/04/2020 -
Who Invented the Trinity? (part 2 of 2)
How the injected doctrine of the trinity remained part of the beliefs of the Christians and how Islam defines God.
09/01/2020 3545 -
Who Invented the Trinity? (part 1 of 2)
How the concept of the Trinity was introduced into the Christian doctrine.
08/01/2020 3244 -
What does the ‘fear’ of God really mean?
In the Islamic tradition worshipping God means to know, love, obey and direct all acts of worship to God alone.
09/12/2019 2293 -
The Pagan Origins of Christmas defines Christmas as the annual festival of the Christian church commemorating the birth of Jesus:
03/12/2019 2537 -
Examples of Righteousness
An explanation of hadith no. 36 from An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith. The hadith highlights several praiseworthy characteristics that a believer should inculcate.
08/09/2019 1923 -
Is God Merciful? Islam’s Response to Evil & Suffering (Part 3 of 5)
The problem of evil has troubled humankind since time immemorial. This article gives the Islamic perspective on it in a simple and logical way.
01/09/2019 1987