Visiting the Sick (part 1 of 2)
Islam invites to all that is good and warns from all that is bad. From those good and virtuous deeds is
04/04/2015 2437 -
An Introduction to the Quran (part 1 of 2): Organization and Meanings
The Quran is the Muslim scripture, that is to say the scripture of the followers of Islam. Islam is the
29/03/2015 2789 -
Actions and Intentions (part 2 of 2): Purity of Intention in the Religious Realm
Purity of Intention in the Mundane Realm Since the wording of the hadeeth discussed in Part One is general,
29/03/2015 2576 -
Actions and Intentions (part 1 of 2): Purity of Intention in the Religious Realm
It is narrated on the authority of Umar ibn al-Khattab who said: I heard the Messenger of God say: “All
29/03/2015 2818 -
Original Sin
The concept of original sin is completely foreign to Judaism and Eastern Christianity, having achieved
28/03/2015 106 -
What is the Sunnah? (part 2 of 2): The Sunnah in Islamic Law
The Difference between the Sunnah and the Quran The Quran is the foundation of Islamic Law. It is the
25/03/2015 2094 -
What is the Sunnah? (part 1 of 2): A Revelation like the Quran
The Sunnah, according to the scholars of hadeeth, is everything that has been related from the Messenger, may the
25/03/2015 2023 -
Chapter 2, Verses 285 & 286: Basic Beliefs and Relationship with God (part 1 of 2)
"The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, as do the faithful. They all believe
24/03/2015 2238 -
The Ability to See the Signs of God
“Say: ‘Praise be to God. He will show you His Signs and you will recognize them. Your
24/03/2015 103