Rights of Foreign Nationals in Islamic Countries (part 1 of 2)
This paper was originally presented at the seminar Religious Minorities: Circumstances and Practices with the
20/01/2015 2430 -
Denying God, Denying Reality: Why We Don’t Need Evidence for God (part 3 of 3)
This whole idea of basic beliefs, of self-evident truths concerning God’s existence, is in line with the Islamic theological tradition concerning the fitrah.
13/01/2015 3135 -
Do Not Follow Heraclius (part 1 of 2): And the Truth is Made Clear
In the history of Islam there are two prominent men who refused to convert to Islam even though the truth was
10/01/2015 2473 -
The Amazing Quran (part 4 of 9)
You Did Not Know This Before! Undoubtedly, there is an attitude in the Quran which is not found anywhere
18/12/2014 2377 -
Forgiveness vs. Retaliation (part 2 of 2): Overcome Anger and Forgive
As explained in Part 1 God understands the intricate nature of humankind. Some people will not be
18/12/2014 2471 -
The Judicial System in Islam (part 2 of 2): Its Legal Basis and Islam Ruling
Defining the Judicial System and its Legal basis The judicial system in Islam is a system for deciding between
08/12/2014 2477 -
The Judicial System in Islam (part 1 of 2): Introduction
Man is a social being by nature. He cannot live perpetually on his own, completely independent of
08/12/2014 3048 -
Forgiveness vs. Retaliation (part 1 of 2): To Forgive or not to Forgive; that is the Question
Islam is a religion that takes into account the nature of humankind; after all, the One who created us knows us
08/12/2014 2625 -
Hijab in the Bible and Torah (part 1 of 2): Hijab in Christian Denominations
The literal meaning of hijab is to veil, to cover or to screen. It encompasses more than just a dress
18/11/2014 2395