Ever since the Muslims swept out of Arabian Peninsula to establish the Islamic Empire there have been myths and misconceptions surrounding the Islamic way of life.
04/08/2014 3003 -
Conversations in Paradise and Hell (part 3 of 3): And I shall never hereafter be angry with you
Internal dialogues When the matter has been decided, and the people of the Hellfire have been lead away, and the
03/08/2014 3191 -
Conversations in Paradise and Hell (part 2 of 3): Dialogues and Discussions
Conversations between the people of Paradise and the people of Hell The dialogue that takes place between the
03/08/2014 2438 -
Conversations in Paradise and Hell (part 1 of 3): Talking to Angels
We begin with a new series of articles about the conversations that take place in Paradise and Hell. It is
03/08/2014 2547 -
How Do We Know God is One? A Philosophical and Theological Perspective (part 3 of 3)
Revelation A simpler way of providing evidence for God’s oneness is by referring to revelation. The
23/07/2014 2206 -
How Do We Know God is One? A Philosophical and TheologicalPerspective (part 2 of 3)
Logical Argument Logic necessitates that if there were more than one God who created the universe it would be in
23/07/2014 2579 -
How Do We Know God is One? A Philosophical and Theological Perspective (part 1 of 3)
One of the many common questions that were asked during the Islamic Awareness Tour was “If God does exist
23/07/2014 2227 -
The Obvious Existence of God
From the moment man opens his eyes to this world a great order surrounds him. He needs oxygen to survive;
15/07/2014 223 -
Who is the Creator?
Can It Be Matter? A very popular question among atheists is, ‘Granted that the existence of temporal
15/07/2014 233