Ten Commandments in the Quran (part 2 of 3): Commandments I-V
First Commandment: Join not anything in worship with God (Shirk) The first commandment is the most important
28/07/2015 65 -
Ten Commandments in the Quran (part 1 of 3): A Quick Introduction
Reading the title, some people might think of the ‘The Ten Commandments,’[1] one of the most
28/07/2015 54 -
Why Are Women Turning to Islam
The status of women is society is neither a new issue nor is it a fully settled one, and where Islam is
26/07/2015 2623 -
Chapter 31 Luqman (Luqman)
Introduction This chapter consisting of 34 verses is named for its central character, the wise man
23/07/2015 2560 -
“Indeed, he loves God and His Messenger…”
There was a man named Abdullah who loved God and His Messenger so much that the Prophet had to declare about
12/07/2015 2534 -
Omar, The Criterion (part 3 of 3): The Commander of the Faithful
rs. The young Muslim nation that Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, and his
09/07/2015 2445 -
Omar, The Criterion (part 2 of 3): A Man as a Nation
Omar ibn Al Khattab was a strong and assertive man, his heart filled with burning hatred for Islam. The
09/07/2015 2507 -
Omar, The Criterion (part 1 of 3): “Strengthen Islam with Omar”
When the enemies of Islam heard the name of Omar, their knees would tremble. When Satan saw Omar walking
09/07/2015 2339 -
Shannon Abulnasr, Ex Christian, USA (part 2 of 3)
Sadly, one night, I had been out partying and drinking, and was intoxicated. I had driven home by myself,
22/06/2015 2368