God’s Being & the Limits of Human Imagination
Everything in our limited experience must have a beginning and end. We ourselves are born and we
11/06/2015 3616 -
Fine-Tuning of the Universe − Summarized (part 2 of 2)
Does fine-tuning need an explanation? Someone might say, ‘the universe just is, why is an explanation
11/06/2015 2568 -
Fine-Tuning of the Universe − Summarized (part 1 of 2)
What is Fine Tuning? Over the past century, scientists have discovered that if certain properties of the
11/06/2015 2417 -
Story of Prophet Jacob
Prophet Jacob is one of a patriarchal line of prophets sent by God to teach his people to worship One God and to
04/06/2015 3450 -
Story of Prophet Shuaib
Prophet Shuaib, known in Biblical literature as Jethro, is one of only four Arab prophets mentioned by name in
04/06/2015 103 -
The Story of Prophet Hud
Many people may be surprised to learn that Muslims also believe in many of the Prophets found in Jewish and
04/06/2015 2179 -
Happiness is the only goal on earth that all people without exception are seeking to attain. Believers and unbelievers alike seek to be happy, but each party is using different methods. However, only believers can achieve genuine happiness. All forms o
Happiness is the only goal on earth that all people without exception are seeking to attain. Believers and
27/05/2015 1438 -
Prophet Jonah
Prophet Jonah[1] was sent to a community in Iraq. Renowned Islamic scholar, ibn Kathir calls it
26/05/2015 2279 -
Chapter 25, Verses 63 – 76: The Characteristics of a Believer (part 2 of 2)
When the news of salvation via repentance was revealed it was considered a great blessing by the new
19/05/2015 2233