The pillars of Kufr

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The pillars of Kufr



The pillars of the Kufr (disbelief and disobedience) there are four
Shaykh al-Islam ibn Qayyim Al - Jauzia to
Reference: Fawaa ' idul Fawaa ' id Ibnul-Qayyim - pg 288.

"The pillars of the Kufr (disbelief and disobedience) there are four:"


1 Kibr, i.e., arrogance, which prevents you submission (to the mandate of Allah)
2 Hasad, i.e., envy, which prevents you accept the Council and giving.
3 Ghadab, i.e. anger, which prevents you from being just.
4 Sha'wah, i.e. low desires, which prevents you from devoting himself entirely to worship.


Hence, if removed the pillar of arrogance, then becomes easy to submit, and if the pillar of envy is suppressed, then becomes easy to accept nasihah (Council) and give advice. If the pillar of the ira is deleted, then it becomes easy for him to be fair and humiliate himself, and if the pillar of low desires is eradicated then becomes easy for him to be patient, chaste and devoted to worship. Every reckless feature derived from these four. And when these features are seated in the heart, will cause see falsehood as if it were the truth and falsehood as truth. See the Ma' (good) ruf as Munkar (evil) and evil as well, and this will bring you closer to the life of this world and will push you away from another life.


Start strong and powerful mountains from their respective places of root is easier than remove these four features of the heart of an individual who is tested with them. This is especially true when these features become firmly entrenched and embedded in an individual to the point that they become second nature, since when an individual reaches this point, it is almost impossible for him to make any good action, nor could purify by them if he went through some good fact. The more thoroughly strives to perform good acts, most corrupt are their actions by these four characteristics.


If you think about the disbelief of past Nations, you will find that this derived from one of these four pillars, and was due to one of these four them were punished. However, the severity of punishment was depending on the grade and the extension of these pillars in those Nations. Then anyone who is decorated with these pillars, he is subjected to all kinds of bad consequences in the life of this world and the other life. And anyone who avoids them, moves away from all kinds of evil, because these features prevent it (i.e., submission) Inqiyad, Ikhlas (sincerity), Taubah (i.e. repentance), accept the truth, give advice to Muslims and humiliate himself before Allaah and his creation.


These features emerge due to the ignorance of the servant to his Lord, and your ignorance of your own self-esteem or value. If he really knew his Lord with all its majestic features and was really aware of its own shortcomings and weaknesses, there would be no reason to be arrogant or to seek revenge for himself, or it would be envious of anyone by what Allah has given them, because in fact, the envy is a type of enmity or hostility towards Allah first because the servant hates the fact that Allah has granted a special blessing on one of his servants and he craves this blessing will be removed. Therefore, in fact, is opposed and refutes the Decree of Allah and believes that the blessing of Allaah to his servant is unfair and hates for him what Allah wants for him (servant). And it was this feature that Iblis became the enemy of Allah, that is, their arrogance and envy.


Hence, to replace these two horrible and bad characteristics by their uniqueness and good knowledge of Allah be pleased with him as your Lord and become to him to seek help in all their affairs, and replace anger with the true knowledge of itself and its value, and the fact that he has no right to get angry and seek revenge for Yes same, because in this, is giving precedence to itself over the complacency of his Lord and express anger towards his Lord, who created you,

And the biggest thing that can assist you to get rid of this feature is to condition himself to become angry by the pleasure of Allah and be pleased by the pleasure of Allah. And each time you are angry or be pleased by the pleasure of Allah, anger and pleasure on the other he will be eliminated, and the opposite is the same.


However, the cure for low desires is good knowledge and understanding that your obedience to their low desires is the largest reason or obstacle for him to obtain satisfaction, and his abstention from these low desires is more reason and means by which can achieve this satisfaction. Then, every time intends to achieve satisfaction by following their low desires, he in fact pushing himself further to achieve this satisfaction, and the more prevents him his low desires, closer is the satisfaction you're looking for in the most complete way.



Ghadab (anger) is as a predator in the minute your attention turns away from him, it will devour live.

And Shah'wah (low desires) is like the fire, when he turned it on, it will begin to burn him alive.

And Kibr (arrogance) is as dispute with a King on his possession, this good you will kill for this, or you deprived of this.

And Hasad (envy) is like show enmity and hatred towards someone who is more powerful than you.


Who can control their low wishes and his wrath will be removed to the Shaytan middle. And one whose low from you and fury superimpose you, depriving itself of the shadow and the protection of Allaah.









Translator into English: Shadid Muhammad, Abu Az-Zubayr
Translator into Spanish: Ummu Abderahman Yasmina to the Andalussia
13 Sha'aban 1433 in Ishbiliya Al Andalus (July/3/2012)
Original text in Spanish:
Reference in English:


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