What will happen to the disbeliever or the hypocrite after reckoning?

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Q: What will happen to the disbeliever or the hypocrite after reckoning?

   A: After reckoning, the disbeliever or the hypocrite will be admitted into Hellfire and remain eternally in it. The torment and pain will not be mitigated for him.


Q: What will happen to the disobedient believer after reckoning?

A: After reckoning, the disobedient believer, if Allah The Almighty forgives him, will be admitted into Paradise from the beginning and remain eternally in it; otherwise, he will be tortured in the Hellfire for some time according to his sins, then he will get out of it and enter Paradise and remain eternally in it.


Q: What does Janah (Paradise) mean?

A: It is abode of the everlasting delights. And therein is whatever the souls desire and what delights the eyes. It has what no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, nor has a heart ever imagined.



Q: What does Jahanam (Hellfire) mean?

A: It is abode of the perpetual torment. It has all categories of pain and torture that the minds have never imagined.


Q: How should one believe in Al-Qadaa’ and Al Qadar (Divine Predestination)?

A: It is to believe that all the actions of creation whether they are optional such as standing, setting, eating and drinking, or necessary such as falling are created and decreed by Allah The Almighty since time immemorial and that He The Exalted has a foreknowledge of them.


Q: If Allah The Almighty is the Creator of the all actions of the creation, should not the man then have no free will in doing his actions and then he should not deserve any reward or punishment?

A: No, man will not be deprived of his free will for he has a partial will which he is able to direct to do good or evil. He has a mind to differentiate between them. So, if his will is directed to good, then such good he sought will appear and then will be rewarded for it because he is the one did it and his partial free will has attached to it. 


Q: Could you give an example clarifying the issue of man's free will?

A: Everyone can easily know that he has a free will in all of his actions through differentiating between the movement of his hand during writing and its movement when it shivers. So, he can attribute the movements of his hand during writing to himself saying: I have written with my free will and power. However, he cannot attribute the movement of his hand when it shivers to himself and cannot say: I have moved my hand; but rather, he would say: This was happened while I had no free will in it.  



Q: What are the lessons that can be deducted from the previous example?

A: Everyone can know with the slightest observation that his actions are of two kinds; one is done by his free will such as eating, drinking, beating and the like, the other which are involuntarily such as falling. 


Q: What are the consequences of the actions of man if he has free will in them?

A: If the actions of the man which he has choices in them are good, then he will be rewarded for them and if they are bad, then he will be punished for them. As for his actions that he has no choice in them, he will not be held accountable for them.


Q: If someone hit another person oppressively and unfairly or the like of evil actions and misdeeds and then quotes excuse that this was predestined on him, can this be a valid and accepted?

A: Quoting the Diving preordainment as an excuse for sins cannot be accepted by Allah The Almighty or the creation due to man has partial free will, power, choice and mind in them.


Q: Could you provide a summary for that issue?

A: It is obligatory for every competent person to believe firmly that all of his actions, sayings, and movements, whether they are good or evil, occur according to the Will, Decree and Knowledge of Allah The Almighty. However, He The Exalted like what is good and dislike what is evil. He (man) has not excuse in doing evil and that Allah The Almighty is not unjust to the least of the slaves.



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