• Islam’s Way to Find God

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    Brown University molecular biologist Kenneth Miller said: “The categorical mistake of the atheist is to assume

    10/11/2019 2884
  • No One to Thank

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    The Qur’an wonders in what areas and in what ways humans rely on their own strength when they fail to acknowledge

    10/11/2019 2245
  • Slave to Oneself

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    - All humans, in the Qur’an’s own words, have a god – even if the god is the person himself. “Have you seen the

    10/11/2019 2047
  • God is there

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    “With Him are the keys of the Unseen; none knows them but He. He knows whatever is in land and sea. Not a leaf

    10/11/2019 1950
  • The only cause of evil

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    • Islam does not pass off all calamites as ‘trials,' but differentiates between punishments and trials. Trials

    07/11/2019 2154
  • Mercy is the Base … and Forgiveness Is a Promise

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    1. In Islam, one of God’s most emphasized attributes is mercy. All the chapters of the Qur’an except one begin

    07/11/2019 2539
  • The Problem of Evil

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    − From the standpoint of atheism, the problem of evil, whether due to humans’ brutality to other humans or to

    07/11/2019 2460
  • Moral Rationale for Denial of God

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    Fyodor Dostoyevsky succinctly captures the moral consequences of a godless view of the world as follows: “If you

    07/11/2019 2117
  • Who Is to Say What Is Right or Wrong?

    Haya Muhammad Eid

    Who Is to Say What Is Right or Wrong? “In a world without God, who is to say which values are right and which are

    07/11/2019 3348
Knowing AllahIt's a beautiful day